Hello blog! Hopefully we will become good friends in the next few months :)
A few hours from now, I will be leaving the comfort of my sweet friend Carey's house, and heading to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia! Deanna and I will be there for 3 months working in an orphanage called Strong Hearts Ethiopia. I can't wait to snuggle and kiss all those little babies!!
Deanna and I have been preparing for this for a year now! We even unknowingly have the exact same pair of shoes, and matching hats! Neither of us even wear hats! We (mostly me) had to do a lot of rearranging of our suitcases to make them under the 44lb limit of Turkish Air.
Her parents are taking us to chipolte for dinner, so we can have our favorite last American meal. After that... It's all African from here! Unless we decide to get a snack in Istanbul. Which would be pretty sweet. 11 hours from Chicago to Istanbul, then 5 hours to Ethiopia. Good times are coming, I can already tell.
Ok, I think I am going to use the bathroom again, since toilet paper is such a luxury here, and I know it will be extremely missed. I will update as soon as I can from ETHIOPIA!!!!