I went to a different church today. It's called Beza, and is similar to Willow Creek in the early 90's but more african. It was a lot of fun. Different than the more traditional church we have been attending, although that is a much church too! A couple times this week we went to services at KCC (kore Christian center). It is a pretty basic African church. Metal walls, a tarp roof, holes for a toilet. The worship part lasts forever, an you dance, jump, and praise however you please. Deanna and I of course got in on this, and my legs are still sore from all that jumping! Church is totes fun!
I am feeling a lot better, and sound less like a man, so thats nice. No big plans yet this week, you know, the usual, trying to convince little babies to come home with me. (not really. That's illegal here too. At least I think).
Yesterday we spent the morning at our American friend Kaela's house (Kaela...shoutout!) we were helping her roommate with lesson plans for a kids church program she is writing. Yeah, an entire program! That's insane! But she is doing a pretty fantastic job!
The other night Amare's sisters decided to braid out hair, Ethiopian style. People here just love to touch my hair, and they had a great time! I liked it too ;) it did not last the night, but we took pics!
Also big news, we were sitting I'm a field yesterday, and out of the bushes popped a giant turtle! Or maybe it was a tortoise! Either way, I spotted it, and was yelling with excitement! The big guy was cruising straight for us. For a turtle, he was surprisingly speedy. Apparently people feed them, so they come to humans for food. I was a little apprehensive, and sat on a wall until he left. But wait. What? A giant turtle in the middle of the city? From the way the people around is were laughing at my antics, it is not uncommon. Seriously. Turtles are common in Africa? Who knew! This place gets crazier and crazier!
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