Excitement has been basically my entire life these last few days. Well, last night and today at least. We found out that we had running water!! Woohooo! We did not believe them, since we have heard this many, many times in the past month. But guess what! It was true! And we still have it! 24 whole hours later! What? I can wash my hands? And my hair? Shave my legs? Inconceivable! The bad news is that the water heater is not so great. As in broken. But hey, the water is not coming from a bucket, and is a steady stream. Beggars can't be choosers, and I choose the steady stream! No more bucket bathes for me!!!!!
Also big news, I went to shishu. We have heard big things about this restaurant. It supposedly has "American burgers". I have to admit... I had doubts. Big doubts actually. You see, people here say a lot of things that are way not true. I have taken to not believing anything. It makes my heart hurt less than to get my hopes up, and have them squashed like the hyena I saw squashed to the road today (more on that later). So, the burgers... They were actually very good! Very very close to America! I think it is my new favorite place! I also enjoyed the fact that the menu stated that because of a "bacon shortage in the city, they will not be serving bacon in the unforeseeable future". Ha.
So, after a delish BBQ burger, we waited for our friends to pick us up, and we headed to street ministry. Street ministry is where we find a bunch of street kids, and we sing, pray, and just have fun with them. We also give them food, so everyone is happy.
The next day, dundee decided to take us on a little road trip. We went to the Blue Nile Gorge, like a grand canyon, Africa style. It is about 2 hours outside of the city, and the drive was amazing. It was very mountainous, and there were a lot of fields. I saw a bunch of people hunched over, working in the fields. And tons of grass houses. It was like being in Africa!
Once we got there, we ordered lunch, and Deanna and I decided to go for a walk. We followed a path, and was just walking, enjoying the beautiful sights, and we turned a corner, and BAM! Monkey. Just sitting there! A bunch of them. They were huge, and a little scary... So we backed away, and went the other direction. But wait. Monkeys? I mean, I know I am in Africa... But the only wildlife I have seen thus far is some dogs, and a big turtle. I was not expecting to see MONKEYS! We told the people we were with, and they did not seem impressed. Monkey sightings are not a daily occurrence in my life. FYI.
So, that brings me to the hyena. When we were driving, we saw one! It was most definitely dead. Road kill to be exact, but a hyena nonetheless!! Crazy!
This blog is taking many days to write, so now it is Sunday, and I am going to fill you in on the weekend too! So deal with me... Internet is not as widely found as in America.
So. Friday night we had a "movie night" at our house, and had a bunch of people over. It was a blast! We played a few games, and during one of them, the power went out. Which made watching a movie difficult... So we just lit a bunch of candles, and had a romantically lit game night. It was a ton of fuuunnn.
Saturday, we took the kids in our program (68 of them) to a children's theater. We rented two minibuses, which seat 12, and crammed everyone in. It was the kids, D and I, two Amharic speaking workers, an the driver and the conductor. It was a tight fit. But a lot of fun. The theatre cost 220 birr for 72 people to get in. That is almost 15 American dollars. You can't even get one person into the movie theatre for 15$ in America! Crazy.
When we got home we took our first shower in our house! We used the other bathroom since ours does not have hot water. But whateva! It's water! After we showered we got our pjs on, and started to wait for our hair to dry so we could then straighten it. Exciting Saturday night. I know. But then Dundee came home and asked if we wanted to go bowling! Yes we do! So we got dressed, and headed over! It turns out that there were no lanes open, so we played pool for a bit, and then went home. Not as exciting as it was supposed to be. Oh well. Better than waiting at home for our hair to dry. Literally.
Exiting day today! I should mention that I am a blog stalker... I have loved to read them for years! One blog, who I follow religiously for a few years now is "the shubin clan" it is an adoptive family, who has fallen in love with Ethiopia. Well they are in country! I emailed her, and we agreed to meet up! I met her this morning at church, and it was great. It's weird meeting someone who I already feel like I know well. But I am glad I got to meet her! Hopefully we will get to connect again before she leaves!
Well. That's all I got. Now I just need to find me some wifi to post this thing! Xoxoxo.
How exciting you got to meet that chick. Sounds like a lot of fun! You should have tried to feed the monkeys so you could try to keep one as a pet while you are there! Ha!