Saturday, January 28, 2012

Coffee Ceremony x2

We had our first coffee ceremony! It was very exciting! Two new volunteers came from Brazil, and apparently Dundee wants to make things special for them. I could be mad… but am reaping from the benefits ;) He is even talking about making the water work! Can you imagine? I can't. Anyway. We had a coffee ceremony. Dundee's sisters roasted the coffee beans and ground them. Then they brewed it in front of us, and made popcorn! It was yummy! Today the woman from the Kore community made us lunch, and had another coffee ceremony. The food was really good, except the meat. The meat here is super fatty and chewy. I really don't like it! It is rude not to eat the food given to you, so you have to force yourself to eat it. Then when I was almost done Dundee told them to put more on my plate. Ugh. It was so nice of them to cook for us, but so hard to eat it! I hope we don't get sick from the meat! 

Also, this morning we went to the field day at Bingham Academy. Bingham is the international school here in Addis. Being on the grounds was very similar to being in America. Everyone spoke english, and no one stared at me because I am white. It was a small oasis in Addis. (Jill, I can totally see your kids going to the school, it was your type of place! It made me miss you!)

We had our second Amharic lesson with our other teacher, Ready, last night. He is intense! I learned so much I could not soak it all in. My brain is still hurting.  

We are now sitting in Lime Tree with our new Brazilian friends, waiting for the internet to work. We had the longest minibus ride ever to get here, and now the internet is not even working! Don't they know I have 2 blogs to post!?!? 

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