Sunday, January 29, 2012

Operation rescue Baaa-xter. Part 1.

So heres the back story. Dundee is  prankster. He tells us things that are not true. Teaches how to order elephants at restaurants (when we think that he is teaching us real things) and if you turn your back he will add salt to your coffee. Not cool. 
Today: I come home to find a sheep (a ram?? It has horns, so I don't know what it is. They are calling him a sheep… so it is a boy sheep.) tied to a tree in our yard. His name is Baaa-xter. (named by yours truly). we come to find out… after taking pictures of him, and spending quality time with him, basically deciding that we were going to be lifelong friends… that his life is ending tomorrow. This news came as a surprise, and not the good kind. Baaa-xter? Why him? For what reason does HE need to die? And why is he even in my yard? Well. Apparently before a weeding the groomsmen are supposed to ask the father of the bride if the groom can marry his daughter. If the father says yes, then Baaa-xter gets the axe. 

Dundee is the only person I know who is a groomsmen in a wedding…

Enter operation rescue Baaa-xter. unfortunately I can't really rescue him. He is not my sheep. Just my newest friend. And Dundee might get mad. But as Deanna and I were laughing about the possibility of rescuing him, I came up with a fantastic idea. Why not HIDE the boy sheep? We can tie him to a different tree! Or even put him in the yard across the dirt path (aka street). Genius! 

But, it is not as simple as it seems. Every house here is called a compound. There are multiple buildings in one, and they are all surrounded by a big concrete wall. And there is only one entrance, a big gate that is manned by our guard. (yeah, we have a guard ;)) He is very nice, but does not speak much english. I am not sure if I can convince him, or the guard across the dirt path that it is okay that I am taking the boy sheep, and tying him to a different tree, in a different compound. In the middle of the night. Enter Amare. Dundee's brother. He lives across the street, and speaks perfect Amharic! He is the perfect accomplice to our crime. When we asked him to be in on it, he agreed. Only after laughing at us, and Thinking that we are totally insane, I am sure. 

But I don't care. Operation rescue Baaa-xter is on, tonight. 

To be continued. Please stay tuned for "Operation rescue Baaa-xter, part 2. The good. The BAAAAAAAD. And the ugly." 

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