RIP Baaaa-xter. You will be greatly missed.
The only thing ugly about this post is that Baaa-xter is now dead. Poor baby.
Anyway. Once Dundee went to bed, we texted Amare, and headed out to hide the goat. The guard was looking at us like we were crazy. We tried to get the sheep out of the compound, and he was not having it. Who would have thought that moving a sheep would be so difficult. Lucky for us, Amare was there. And also the guard Desta. Desta is our guard, he is the best. He lives in a 3x5 room next to the gate, with a tiny bed in it. He can't even stretch out his legs. Anyway. Once he realized what we were up to, he took charge. He has moved sheep before. He took the ram by the horns, and pulled that little buddy across the yard, and tied him to a tree. Mission accomplished.
When we woke up this morning, I had a black tongue. I took pepto tablets yesterday, and they turn your tongue black, for some reason. But I had to google it to make sure I was not turning African, or have some odd disease.
Also, Dundee came in and asked if we had seen his sheep. Ummm no? Why would you even ask that.
He somehow had seen the text that we had sent Amare saying "he went to bed, come help us steel the sheep". Incriminating? I think not. No, I did not touch your sheep. (truth). I did not move your sheep (truth, again!) Seriously Dundee, how could 2 american girls move your sheep (again, fact).
He knew that it was us. But it took him awhile to find were the sheep had been relocated. So although the mission was not a success, Baaa-xter has since died, at least his memory, and friendship is something I will never forget.
I'm so saaaaad for poor Baaaaxter :(