I can't think of anything exciting to blog about. But I am sure, my loyal followers, that you are waiting on the edge of your seats for my new blog, so here it is!
Deanna and I are seriously considering buying a Donk. We will love him, and feed him, and keep him forever. Well, 3 months at least. And when we leave, we will donate him to Strong Hearts. (To use, not to eat.) The boys who hang at our house (we live in a party house, it is used for worship time, and prayer, or just to chill, in a Christian environment) don't think we are serious. They obviously don't know us! So that will be fun. They are about 50 USD, 25 each. Donks are cheeaaap!
Deanna slept with a bug last night. He was curled up next to her pillow in the morning, trying to snuggle, I believe. She was less than thrilled, but did not totally freak out. She did kill him though. Future spouse of Deanna, beware.
I drove a real car here, on the real street. It was late, and not many people were out, but I still did it! Wooohooo!
We fit 8 people into said real car last night. Is is not a big car… it was a TIGHT squeeze. But fun!! I like adventure. (not while I was driving)
I have gotten a few emails about sending supplies! YAY! The kids are going to be thrilled. And so will this lady.
My new Toms are almost ruined. Poor Toms :( I wear them daily, and the streets here are not exactly shoe friendly. The paved roads are not horrible, but for the most part they are not paved, and it is rocky terrain that I am hiking over, in my beautiful canvas Toms. Even sidewalks, when not so crowded that you have to walk in the street, are broken, and are really rocky dirt with patches of sidewalk. So if anyone who is sending a package to me, wants to send a new pair of Toms… I wear a size 6. Just sayin'.
People can smoke in restaurants here. It is not a big smoking community, nothing like Europe, probably even less than the US, but is still not easy to enjoy a meal with someones smoke all up in your space.
Still no improvement on the showering. It has been over a week since I have properly showered. At this point I think maybe we will see how long we can go. Why not? It can't get much worse! Water bottles don't count as showers, but they are what we have at the moment… and am grateful for them! Especially my BIG one. HE holds 2000ml! Thats like a whole body wash right there.
Dundee seems to think he can read my mind. It is a bit creepy, and as I type he is guessing all the things I do not like about ET. He just looked at Deanna and said while STARING at me "I am just reading her mind". Weird, Dundee. HE is also my Facebook friend, and I am certain he read my blog about things I don't like. As an American, I don't like cheaters!
The internet at Lime Tree is down right now. Its a bummer. I would like to connect with my peeps, now that it is an acceptable time for you all to be awake. Ohhh, cakes here! YUM!
Kendra, What is the best way to go about shipping things to you?